Scream Director´s Guild

The Gator Scream Director´s Guild
During the last couple of years I realized many of the actresses we worked with
- have own very good stories and projects
- are better directing than I do
- are very well organized and can produce their own damn movie
Katja Bienert, Barbara Ungerhofer, Anja Meyer all did either direct, co-write or co-produce por produce their own projects projects in Germany and other places like Africa, Australia, USA and
And even my living nightmare Lydie did a pretty good job directing Bouquet for a Kill.
As we need to build up our video library we invite actresses to bring in their and set up their own projects with us. If we can agree on a project we provide camera and other equipment to set up and shoot projects and develop ways of distribution.
We are interested mostly in thriller and horror projects.
So if you are interested, just contact me:
Nightmare Follies
We are especiall looking for new projects for the NIGHTMARE FOLLIES series.
NIGHTMARE FOLLIES is a dark thriller-horror series featuring very beautiful women and very uncanny maniacs. The stories are dark and frighting, but also sarcastic and what is very important: we do NOT show ANY KIND of KILLING onscreen.
Last year after having watched countless thriller and horror movies I realized there is so much blood and killing in the movies like Texan Chainsaw Massacre or even in D. Bousman´s Mother´s Day, not to mention the s a w franchise.
So I decided we should try to do a story on cannibalism but actually WITHOUT showing any gore or bloody killing scenes.
I wrote a script, King Munsa´s Cookery Book, about a young woman who kidnapps her former classmates telling them she had killed their best friends and now forces them to eat their flesh
according the receipts of a cookery book written by noone else but the legendary Kind Munsa,
the King of Cannibals!!!
To make it safe we even shot some killing scenes, but actually did not use them in the edited version, using the Lubitsch touch directing, and the killings do not happen onscreen or behind closed doors. It worked very well and I want to go down this road a little bit and so I am looking for actresses who think that´s a good idea.
Here are some stills of "King Munsa´s Cookery Book" featuring Dina Babajic as the uncanny young woman who haunts her evil classmates.